Filone Bianco Caseificio Aversano
White Filone / Smocked Filone
The “filone" is a fresh cheese with spun paste, shaped as a loaf . Its colour is milky white , with no abnormal yellow colours , black spots or other stains. Smooth, uniform, devoid of a crust with a shiny soft texture skin. Its taste is sweet and delicate, with a pleasant smell of fresh milk.
The smoked filone is a fresh cheese with spun paste, flavoured with natural smoking (straw). Its colour is light brown, smooth, uniform, devoid of a crust with a thin tender skin texture.
Its flavour is mild with a pleasant aroma of smoking.
- Cow's Milk
- Rennet
- Salt
Packaging Type
- Weight Piece: 250g, 500g, Filone 1500g
- Individually packaged and / or torque
Product Presentation
- Crust: Fine
- Pasta: Compact structure
- Flavor: Characteristic
- Odor: Typical aromatic
- Color: Straw yellow
- Consistency: Compact, elastic
Requisiti Fisico-Chimici
Valori medi ± Tolleranza
- Umidità % 54.0 ± 2.0
- Residuo Secco % 46.0 ± 2.0
- Grasso stq % 20.0 ± 2.0
- Grasso ss % 43.4 ± 2.0
- Proteine: (N x 6,38)n % 21.5 ± 2.0
- Sale: (Na CI) % 0.8 ± 0.3
Requisiti Nutrizionali
Valori medi calcolati su cento grammi di prodotto edibile.
- Valore Energetico: 270 kcal / 1113 kj
- Proteine: 21,5
- Carboidrati: 1,00 g di cui zuccheri 1,00 g
- Grassi: 20,0 g di cui Acidi Grassi Saturi 14,00 g
- Sale: 0,8 g
Requisiti Microbiologici
U.M. Valori obiettivo Valori di rifiuto
- E.Coli ufc/g < 10 >100
- Staphilococcus aureus ufc/g < 10 >100
- salmonella spp ufc/25g assente presente
- Listeria monocytogenes ufc/25g assente presente
~ in 5 unità campionarie
- Inhibitory substances: Absent
- Pesticide residues: Less than the directive
CEE 86/363 recepita con OM del 18/07/90
CEE 93/57 recepita con OM del 03/05/94 - Residues of veterinary medicinal products: Below the limits of the regulation CEE 2377/90 and subsequent updates
- Heavy metals: Below the limits of the regulation CEE 1881/06 and subsequent updates
Pb (mg/Kg)
Aflatossina M1 (ng/Kg)
Dir. CE 89/2003, 142/2006, 68/2007 Milk and derivatives
- Minimum durability: 30 days from date of production
- Storage temperature: Between 0 and + 4 ° C